tiger junkies - d-beat rock and rollers
again, after a relatively long period of absence, returned to offer a some music to listen in these days of celebrations ... on this occasion we do something that you have not to but it is not unusual for the blog, and post bands a bit away from punk rock and hardcore that characterizes us but rather with something more metalhead though influenced punk / hardcore...Tiger Junkies is a band, a project to be exact, made by Joel Grind (known as the only member of Toxic Holocaust) and the Japanese musician Yasuyuki Suzuki (member of the Japanese bands of black / thrash metal and Abigail Barbatos) ... according to Joel Grind, Tiger Junkies started in 2004 as a tradition that arises between this pair of musicians in which each, by good friendship and musical compatibility with, undertake to make some music project and record something every time Joel is in japan ... musically this album offers 10 tracks for hardcore / punk-influenced metal, thrash metal, crossover, d-beat and so on with a theme about drugs, sex, enfiestarse, etc, also include a couple of covers (The Exploited and Abigail), so as you can imagine what the musical direction of this album, if you like gender and / or what makes Toxic Holocaust then surely enjoying this disc.
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